Time change for Samara, Kamchatka, Chukotka are not confirmed yet

Petr Machata pmachata at redhat.com
Mon Mar 22 16:32:23 UTC 2010

22.03.2010 15:12, Steffen Thorsen wrote:
> 2. Start the application on the territory of Samara region second time
> zone from March 28, 2010 with 02 hours 00 minutes (at the time, acting
> in the Samara region).

FYI, the meaning of this cryptic bit is to start using second time belt
(which seems to be the Moscow time) in the region of Samara oblast'
starting on 2010-03-28 at 02:00 local time.

Petr Machata

P.S. I'm not native myself, so I passed it through a native coworker,
who confirmed my explanation.

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