[tz] temporary timezone database home ...

David Keegel djk at cyber.com.au
Fri Oct 7 07:02:18 UTC 2011

On Fri, Oct 07, 2011 at 11:47:54AM +0700, Robert Elz wrote:
> Some of you who receive this message may have been removed from the
> elsie version of the list recently, or altered your subscription details
>  - if that applies to you, use the iana.org message sent on the 1st of
> this month to all subscribers to their list for instructions on how to
> modify or delete your subscription.
> Don't send requests to me (or anyone else on the list) there's nothing I
> (or we) can do about it - and most certainly, do not send requests to the
> list itself asking to be removed.

Or look for a mail header like this in each message sent to the list :-
    List-Unsubscribe: <https://mm.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/tz>,
        <mailto:tz-request at iana.org?subject=unsubscribe>
which points to two alternative ways to unsubscribe yourself (via www or email).

> All I know of the lawsuit is what jhawk's message indicated - eventually
> I assume we'll find out what trademark or patent that someone believes is
> being infringed (a little hard to believe either, but who knows...)

Julie C Molloy for Astrolabe Inc seems to be alleging that *copyright* is
being infringed.  I think this claim is based on copyright in the ACS Atlas
(by Shanks).

You can find a PDF scan of the Astrolabe complaint at:

There are stories and reactions at:
One of the slashdot story comments has a link to docstoc and another has
a text version of the first 10 points of Astrolabe's complaint (pirodude,

  David Keegel <djk at cyber.com.au>        Cyber IT Solutions Pty. Ltd.          
   http://www.cyber.com.au/~djk/     Linux & Unix Systems Administration 

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