[tz] temporary timezone database home ...

Guy Harris guy at alum.mit.edu
Fri Oct 7 08:53:15 UTC 2011

On Oct 7, 2011, at 1:24 AM, Clive D.W. Feather wrote:

> Robert Elz said:
>> All I know of the lawsuit is what jhawk's message indicated - eventually
>> I assume we'll find out what trademark or patent that someone believes is
>> being infringed (a little hard to believe either, but who knows...)
> It's a copyright case. The claim is that the tz database copies Astrolabe's
> books and database.

Books?  Paul Eggert's comments state that Shanks' atlases were used as sources for some of the rules at some points in the database's history; whether that's "copying" I'll leave to a lawyer to answer.

Database?  As far as I know, neither Paul nor any other contributor ever looked at any of the non-dead-tree databases from ACS or Astrolabe.

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