[tz] tzdata2011l.tar.gz

David Zülke david.zuelke at bitextender.com
Mon Oct 10 16:42:16 UTC 2011

On 10.10.2011, at 06:42, Robert Elz wrote:

> The file ...
> 	ftp://munnari.oz.au/pub/tzdata2011l.tar.gz
> ...is now available; this reflects changes circulated last week on the time
> zone mailing list.
> There are just 2 changes that cause different generated tzdata files from
> zic, to Asia/Hebron and Pacific/Fiji - the possible change for Bahia, Brazil
> is included, but commented out.  Compared with the diff I sent out last week,
> this version also includes attributions for the sources for the changes
> (in much the same format as ado used, but the html tags have not been
> checked, verified, or used in any way at all, so if there are errors there,
> please let me know.)

You did not increment the version numbers in the files you changed, so southamerica is still at 8.50, northamerica still at 8.49, australasia still at 8.27 and asia still at 8.68.


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