[tz] Proposed time zone package changes (Fiji, Bahia Brazil, West Bank(Hebron))

Guilherme Bernardes Rodrigues oguilherme at gmail.com
Fri Oct 14 12:39:54 UTC 2011

It's official, the President signed a decree that includes Bahia in summer
time. I did not find the decree yet but I am convinced now that the news
reports the position of the president.
I found nothing oficial about the 32 municipalities in Mato Grosso, I'm
still looking and update when I find the decree.

link whith the news:

Gwillim, thanks for the translation below.


On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 12:35 AM, Gwillim Law <gwillim at gmail.com> wrote:

> In case anyone needs a translation of these messages, here is my effort:
> From Zulmira:
> Dear Guilherme,
> In accordance with Decree 6558 of Sept. 8, 2008, summer time [HV = horario
> de verão = DST] will take effect from 0:00 on Oct. 16, until 0:00 on Feb.
> 26, 2012. The states which will enter into summer time are RS, SC, PR, SP,
> RJ, ES, MG, MT, MS, and DF [Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, São
> Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, Mato
> Grosso do Sul, Distrito Federal].
> Thus, BA [Bahia] will not have summer time. I should clarify that summer
> time depends on a Federal Decree.
> Courteously
> Zulmira Brandão
> Time Service Division
> Guilherme's original message:
> Good day, Zulmira,
> I would like to confirm whether Bahia will have summer time this year?
> I would also like to know whether this depends on a federal decree?
> If the answer to both questions is yes, what is the specific decree in this
> case?
> Thank you,
> Guilherme Bernardes Rodrigues
> 2011/10/7 Guilherme Bernardes Rodrigues <oguilherme at gmail.com>
>> Robert,
>>    About the change in Bahia, Brazil [...]
>> follows the e-mail exchanged in Portuguese
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: <zab at on.br>
>> Date: 2011/10/7
>> Subject: Re: Horário de Verão na Bahia
>> To: Guilherme Bernardes Rodrigues <oguilherme at gmail.com>
>> Prezado Guilherme
>> De acordo com o Decreto 6558 de 08 de setembro de 2008 entrará em vigor a
>> partir da zero hora do dia 16 de outubro, até a zero hora do dia 26 de
>> fevereiro de 2012 o HV. Os estados que entraram no HV serão RS; SC; PR; SP;
>> RJ; ES; MG; MT; MS e DF.
>> Portanto a BA não terá HV. Devo esclarecer que o HV depende de Decreto
>> Federal.
>> Atenciosamente
>> Zulmira Brandão
>> Divisão Serviço da Hora
>> Quoting Guilherme Bernardes Rodrigues <oguilherme at gmail.com>:
>> Bom dia Zulmira,
>>>   Gostaria de confirmar, este ano a bahia terá horário de verão?
>>>   Gostaria também de saber se isso não depende de um decreto federal?
>>>   Se sim para as duas perguntas qual é o decreto a respeito disso.
>>> Obrigado,
>>> Guilherme Bernardes Rodrigues
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