[tz] Preparing for next tzdata update ...

Tim Parenti tim at timtimeonline.com
Wed Oct 19 18:18:21 UTC 2011

For consistency with the other zones to which we've temporarily ascribed
"FET", this most recent change should be effected at a regularly scheduled
clock change, not at the date of the decree.  Since Europe/Chisinau follows
EU rules, we should write the final change to Europe/Tiraspol to resemble
our original changes to Ukraine (which have since been rendered invalid).
The "UNTIL" date for the penultimate line in Europe/Tiraspol should be "2011
Mar lastSun 1:00u", having been the last forward clock change (to year-round

In addition, being situated at +4651+2938 would give Tiraspol a pre-1880 LMT
offset of 1:58:32.

Tim Parenti

On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 02:46, Petr Machata <pmachata at redhat.com> wrote:

> Robert Elz <kre at munnari.OZ.AU> writes:
> >     Date:        Fri, 14 Oct 2011 23:21:42 -0700
> >     From:        Jonathan Leffler <jonathan.leffler at gmail.com>
> >     Message-ID:  <CAH+RLGFyeEeYnvzfiy9xw9tg4P+9g=
> 3RWOGY8GVngw5oXv9HGw at mail.gmail.com>
> >
> >   | Did you have in mind winter (or standard) time starting at the end of
> >   | October in the northern hemisphere?  Or summer time (not?) ending?
> >
> > As you guessed, I got it backwards - I originally intended to ask if the
> > intent was to remain on (effectively) summer time, or to revert to the
> > previous standard time, and just not resume summer time next year - but
> then
> > I thought the question was moot as it was just summer time not turning
> > on.
> I think you got it right the first time around.
> The heading reads: "Pridnestrovie cancelled the transition to Winter
> Time".  The article goes on to describe the reasons for the
> cancellation, and that the decree was signed on October 10 and will
> enter into force seven days after it's published.  Whether that means
> Oct 17 they don't write.
> Moldova, they go on to explain, will enter Winter Time as usual, on the
> last Sunday of October.  That's how Pridnestrovie has done it in the
> past, too.
> So my guess is that the zone will be like Chisinau, but without the DST
> transition that was supposed to occur at the end of October.  As to the
> abbreviation, I'll venture a guess that they are doing this to sync with
> Ukraine, and that the abbreviation should correspondingly be EFT.
> (Though I'm on the LST side of the debate.)
> I'll attach a proposed patch (I didn't change the 1880 offset).
> Hope this helps,
> PM
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