[tz] Introduction and apology for slamming you "with that TZ is a legal thing" commentary out of the blue.

Guy Harris guy at alum.mit.edu
Thu Oct 20 17:45:59 UTC 2011

On Oct 20, 2011, at 9:41 AM, Todd Glassey wrote:

> What needs to happen I believe is that this effort should define a process wherein any legal authority can request a IANA update to the data base

By "legal authority" do you mean "authority responsible for time zone rules within a country", or some other form of legal authority?

If you mean "authority responsible for time zone rules within a country", would it remain possible for the database to be updated even if the authority makes no such request and somebody happens to discover that country X has decided to change the time zone rules?

If not, then, unless you can get all such legal authorities to make those request, requiring such a request would not constitute an improvement to the process; the resulting process would be worse, as some updates required by time zone changes wouldn't happen.

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