[tz] Robert Elz as TZ coordinator

Isaac Hogue isaac.hogue at iformata.com
Fri Oct 21 02:33:39 UTC 2011

Redistributing posts from earlier this month by kre regarding this topic:

########### October 7, 2011 ##############

-- Initially by kre --

For now, until someone else volunteers, I'm prepared to make the updates,
in much the same way that Arthur did, and then make new releases available
from munnari's ftp server.  I suspect that it is unlikely that either
or Paul will be able to assist much with this in the coming months, so
I'm hoping that others will assist where possible.

-- Followed up by kre --

sm at resistor.net said:
  | Thanks for volunteering.  As draft-lear-iana-timezone-database-04 has
  | already been approved by the IESG for publication as a BCP, I suggest
  | the TZ mailing list reaches consensus for you to fulfill the  role of
  | Coordinator.

For now, I am going to do it until someone else takes over, just because it
needs to be done, and quickly.   And because potential US law suits don't
bother me...

Longer term, I have the same issues (kind of) that caused Arthur to seek
alternative arrangements (earlier) more or less, he was (still is, I
assume) approaching retirement, so am I.   For me, I suspect retirement
will have less impact upon my use of the networks, etc, than it might for
Arthur (even before this nonsense reared its ugly head), but when we reach
this kind of age, expecting continued long term service is simply expecting
the absurd.  That's why I rejected approaches to replace Arthur earlier,
and those reasons still apply, for anything beyond the short term, we need
coordinator who can expect to be around somewhat longer than I do.



Hope this helps,

On 10/20/11 10:23 PM, "David Braverman" <david at braverman.org> wrote:

>I hate to throw a spanner in the works, and I do think KRE is right for
>the job, but are we all certain he even wants this greatness thrust upon

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