[tz] Introduction and apology for slamming you "with that TZ is a legal thing" commentary out of the blue.

Paul_Koning at Dell.com Paul_Koning at Dell.com
Fri Oct 21 12:22:10 UTC 2011

True.  One more potential source of input, to be considered authoritative or not as circumstances indicate.  Kevin listed some places where "not" would apply -- locations subject to jurisdictional disputes are an example.


-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Newton [mailto:philip.newton at gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 8:08 AM
To: Koning, Paul; tz at iana.org
Subject: Re: [tz] Introduction and apology for slamming you "with that TZ is a legal thing" commentary out of the blue.

On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 13:45,  <Paul_Koning at dell.com> wrote:
> It also implies that the discussion in another thread (ask the UN for 
> help) is not likely to be the effective answer.  It has all the 
> problems Kevin described, just for starters.

If country/UN input were the only input, then yes. If it is just an additional source of input, perhaps even one that is more timely and authoritative, then I think not. It would be up to the coordinator to act as editor and choose which updates to accept and which to reject, just like now, or so I envision it.

Philip Newton <philip.newton at gmail.com>

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