[tz] archive completeness

Kevin Lyda kevin at ie.suberic.net
Tue Oct 11 22:56:09 UTC 2011

On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 23:24, Zefram <zefram at fysh.org> wrote:> For
the benefit of those looking to complete the oldtz archive, I've>
checked the entire mailing list archive for release announcements.> I
used <http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/tz/> for 1986 to 2010,> and
<http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.time.tz> for 2011.  In this>
combination I believe they're a complete archive of the mailing
lists,> <tz at elsie.nci.nih.gov> and <tz at iana.org>, from inception on
1986-11-25> up to the present 2011-10-11.  I extracted all the
information from the> archives today, 2011-10-11.
The scripts I used to create https://github.com/lyda/tz are here:
https://github.com/lyda/tz-history-scripts .  In addition to the
scripts and instructions, there's some information I've found from my
research and from what some people have sent me.

In tz-history-scripts I include a list of missing archives from
munnari.oz.au and some info about them in item #2 of the decisions /
issue section of the README file:

The scripts at the base of https://github.com/lyda/tz-history-scripts
were used to determine that list.

In addition to the mailing list and ftp site, there were the early
releases on usenet.  This directory has the messages they were
announced in https://github.com/lyda/tz-history-scripts/tree/master/work-usenet
and includes releases from 1986 to 1989.  Annoyingly there's a four
year gap till the first release mentioned on the mailing list.


Kevin Lyda
Dublin, Ireland
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