[tz] Robert Elz as TZ coordinator

SM sm at resistor.net
Thu Oct 20 22:49:30 UTC 2011

At 14:54 20-10-2011, M3 Sweatt wrote:
>Is there an outline or summary of what the requirements and actions 
>of the coordinator would be going forward?

draft-lear-iana-timezone-database-04 discusses about the TZ coordinator.

>Generally no objections, just curious if the Coordinator role and 
>responsibility has been memorialized somewhere.

Although the draft (it will be published as a RFC) discusses the role 
and responsibilities, it is more about the TZ community using its 
best judgement to keep up the good work that was started by Ado.

Robert commented on the current work ( 
http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/tz/2011-October/008093.html ).  I think 
that the message at 
http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/tz/2011-October/007993.html summaries 
the tone to expect from the TZ community.


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