Theory - zone name, zone creation, zone lifetime

Mr tobias conradi tobias_conradi at
Sun Sep 11 04:19:29 UTC 2011

Theory reads:
To represent this data, the world is partitioned 
into regions whose clocks all agree about time 
stamps that occur after the somewhat-arbitrary 
cutoff point of the POSIX Epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC).

1) Where are these regions listed? 
The only lists of geographical areas I could find are:
- the zones in
- (current) countries in

Theory reads:
Use ISO 3166 (see the file to help 
decide whether something is a country.
or when locations change countries
(e.g. Hong Kong from UK colony to China)

1) "help to decide" - decision process is undefined. 

2) Hong Kong is listed in as HK.For the purpose of zone creation is it
2a) a country,then it is confusing 
to say it changed country, or

2b) is it part of China (CN) then it is 
confusing to mark it with HK

3) In case HK and one of the zones in CN 
observed the same time since 1970, and that HK 
is not a country, would there be a merge and  
would one zone be dropped from
and any corresponding pre-1970 history be deleted?

Theory reads:
Within a file name component, use only ASCII letters

1) It is not defined what the term 
"file name component" refers to in the 
context of zone naming.

Theory reads:
E.g. prefer `Paris' to `France', since 
France has had multiple time zones.

1) It does not matter what zones France "had" in the past.
2) It may matter that Europe/Paris might be split in the future.
3) There is no proof in that France had
multiple time zones at all, there is only one line marked "FR":

Tobias Conradi
Rheinsberger Str. 18
10115 Berlin, Germany

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