[tz] [PATCH 0/1] Add Asia/Beijing

David Patte ₯ dpatte at relativedata.com
Wed Aug 15 12:33:29 UTC 2012

Thanks for the research and spreadsheet. It is very useful.

Being Canadian, I am intruiged by Ottawa, which is the capital of 
Canada, the second largest city in Ontario, and the fourth largest in 
Canada. It seems that since 1970, Ottawa and Toronto and Montreal have 
followed the same timezone/saylight saving rules, but prior to that, 
Ottawa and environs was likely more in sync with Montreal's daylight 
saving rules than Toronto's rules for proximity and commercial reasons. 
As well, Montreal, not Toronto, was the largest city in Canada until 
about 1975.

So, as far as I understand the rules, Ottawa does not require a link in 
tz at this time - but if a link for capitals is ever added in tz - the 
preferred link for Ottawa should probably be Montreal, not Toronto.

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