[tz] Eternal DST rules for Morocco from 2012 at last

Arthur David Olson arthurdavidolson at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 11:09:40 UTC 2012

I've attached an updated proposed change for Morocco; the
tabs-mangled-by-Gmail version appears below.
The differences are against 2012b.


diff -r -c old/africa new/africa
*** old/africa    2012-03-21 07:04:35.777499400 -0400
--- new/africa    2012-03-21 07:04:28.492286600 -0400
*** 1,5 ****
  # <pre>
! # @(#)africa    8.33
  # This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
  # 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.

--- 1,5 ----
  # <pre>
! # @(#)africa    8.35
  # This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
  # 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.

*** 768,773 ****
--- 768,804 ----
  # wall clock time (i.e. 11pm UTC), but that's what I would assume. It has
  # also been like that in the past.

+ # From Alexander Krivenyshev (2012-03-09):
+ # According to Infomédiaire web site from Morocco (infomediaire.ma
+ # on March 9, 2012, (in French) Heure légale:
+ # Le Maroc adopte officiellement l'heure d'été
+ # <a href="
+ #
+ # </a>
+ # Governing Council adopted draft decree, that Morocco DST starts on
+ # the last Sunday of March (March 25, 2012) and ends on
+ # last Sunday of September (September 30, 2012)
+ # except the month of Ramadan.
+ # or (brief)
+ # <a href="http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_morocco06.html">
+ # http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_morocco06.html
+ # </a>
+ # From Arthur David Olson (2012-03-10):
+ # The infomediaire.ma source indicates that the system is to be in
+ # effect every year. It gives 03H00 as the "fall back" time of day;
+ # it lacks a "spring forward" time of day; assume 2:00 XXX.
+ # Wait on specifying the Ramadan exception for details about
+ # start date, start time of day, end date, and end time of day XXX.
+ # From Christophe Tropamer (2012-03-16):
+ # Seen Morocco change again:
+ # <a href="http://www.le2uminutes.com/actualite.php">
+ # http://www.le2uminutes.com/actualite.php
+ # </a>
+ # "...à partir du dernier dimance d'avril et non fins mars,
+ # comme annoncé précédemment."
  # RULE    NAME    FROM    TO    TYPE    IN    ON    AT    SAVE    LETTER/S

  Rule    Morocco    1939    only    -    Sep    12     0:00    1:00    S
*** 793,798 ****
--- 824,832 ----
  Rule    Morocco    2010    only    -    Aug     8     0:00    0    -
  Rule    Morocco    2011    only    -    Apr     3     0:00    1:00    S
  Rule    Morocco    2011    only    -    Jul     31     0    0    -
+ Rule    Morocco    2012    max    -    Apr     lastSun 2:00    1:00    S
+ Rule    Morocco    2012    max    -    Sep     lastSun 3:00    0    -
  # Zone    NAME        GMTOFF    RULES    FORMAT    [UNTIL]
  Zone Africa/Casablanca    -0:30:20 -    LMT    1913 Oct 26
               0:00    Morocco    WE%sT    1984 Mar 16
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diff -r -c old/africa new/africa
*** old/africa	2012-03-21 07:04:35.777499400 -0400
--- new/africa	2012-03-21 07:04:28.492286600 -0400
*** 1,5 ****
  # <pre>
! # @(#)africa	8.33
  # This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
  # 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.
--- 1,5 ----
  # <pre>
! # @(#)africa	8.35
  # This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
  # 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.
*** 768,773 ****
--- 768,804 ----
  # wall clock time (i.e. 11pm UTC), but that's what I would assume. It has
  # also been like that in the past.
+ # From Alexander Krivenyshev (2012-03-09):
+ # According to Infomédiaire web site from Morocco (infomediaire.ma),
+ # on March 9, 2012, (in French) Heure légale:
+ # Le Maroc adopte officiellement l'heure d'été
+ # <a href="http://www.infomediaire.ma/news/maroc/heure-l%C3%A9gale-le-maroc-adopte-officiellement-lheure-d%C3%A9t%C3%A9">
+ # http://www.infomediaire.ma/news/maroc/heure-l%C3%A9gale-le-maroc-adopte-officiellement-lheure-d%C3%A9t%C3%A9
+ # </a>
+ # Governing Council adopted draft decree, that Morocco DST starts on
+ # the last Sunday of March (March 25, 2012) and ends on
+ # last Sunday of September (September 30, 2012)
+ # except the month of Ramadan.
+ # or (brief)
+ # <a href="http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_morocco06.html">
+ # http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_morocco06.html
+ # </a>
+ # From Arthur David Olson (2012-03-10):
+ # The infomediaire.ma source indicates that the system is to be in
+ # effect every year. It gives 03H00 as the "fall back" time of day;
+ # it lacks a "spring forward" time of day; assume 2:00 XXX.
+ # Wait on specifying the Ramadan exception for details about
+ # start date, start time of day, end date, and end time of day XXX.
+ # From Christophe Tropamer (2012-03-16):
+ # Seen Morocco change again:
+ # <a href="http://www.le2uminutes.com/actualite.php">
+ # http://www.le2uminutes.com/actualite.php
+ # </a>
+ # "...à partir du dernier dimance d'avril et non fins mars,
+ # comme annoncé précédemment."
  Rule	Morocco	1939	only	-	Sep	12	 0:00	1:00	S
*** 793,798 ****
--- 824,832 ----
  Rule	Morocco	2010	only	-	Aug	 8	 0:00	0	-
  Rule	Morocco	2011	only	-	Apr	 3	 0:00	1:00	S
  Rule	Morocco	2011	only	-	Jul	 31	 0	0	-
+ Rule	Morocco	2012	max	-	Apr	 lastSun 2:00	1:00	S
+ Rule	Morocco	2012	max	-	Sep	 lastSun 3:00	0	-
  Zone Africa/Casablanca	-0:30:20 -	LMT	1913 Oct 26
  			 0:00	Morocco	WE%sT	1984 Mar 16

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