[tz] Revised proposed changes: past Altai/Tomsk time zone shifts

Tobias Conradi tobias.conradi at gmail.com
Sat May 5 15:35:29 UTC 2012

> I've left unchanged the quote from "translate.google.com (since it is a
> quote.)
The translation is false. Instead the table from
could be used where translation is not needed.

This also gives the vedemosti link and mentions at least some of the
law Dmitry V. Lenin later cited. He likely took the vedemosti link
from WP, see
Wed May 2 16:33:48 UTC 2012
where he praises http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omsk_Time

compared with
Thu May 3 11:01:49 UTC 2012

So proper contribution should be given to the English Wikipedia, not?

> For now, I've left unchanged the names provided by Oscar van Vlijmen;
> I hope we can defer issues of translation and transliteration until
> finishing the work on past changes in western Siberia and
> on 2011 changes.

But maybe not so good to introduce new names that are less clear than
any transliteration, like
- Novosibirsk Region
- Tomsk Region
entities that would be easier to find when named

Novosibirsk Oblast
Tomsk Oblast

Using "region" instead of "oblast" affects mailing list searches too.

Not using the google translate quote already eliminates some of these
"region" usages and also eliminates ambiguous "Altai".

Tobias Conradi
Rheinsberger Str. 18
10115 Berlin


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