[tz] Time zone renaming overview

Guy Harris guy at alum.mit.edu
Tue Apr 16 17:42:48 UTC 2013

On Apr 16, 2013, at 5:59 AM, Tobias Conradi <mail.2012 at tobiasconradi.com> wrote:

> Working for English speaking countries, except Australia, not working
> for languages other than English and failing for some countries, e.g.
> Indonesia with English WIT Western Indonesia Time which conflicts with
> local Indonesian WIT Waktu Indonesia Timur (Time Indonesia East).

If we follow my suggestion that we think about the time zone abbreviations *we* supply - as opposed to the ones the CLDR supplies - as being the abbreviations in the "C" locale (when the TZ environment variable isn't set to a POSIX value, because those explicitly specify the abbreviations in the environment variable's value), the question is what should language should the "C" locale version of the time zone abbreviations reflect?

English?  (What abbreviations do English speakers living in Indonesia, or involved with Indonesia and speaking about times of events in Indonesia with time zone indications, use?)

The local language, if it uses the Roman alphabet?

The local language, even if it *doesn't* use the Roman alphabet?

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