[tz] Dealing with Pre-1970 Data

Lester Caine lester at lsces.co.uk
Sat Aug 31 14:48:21 UTC 2013

Paul Eggert wrote:
> As for the changes that discarded some pre-1970 data,
> the underlying problem is the unnecessary proliferation of
> entries due to political constraints.

While the politics is irritating, having a single repository for ALL available 
data should be a goal? We are still discussing two databases here, one with pre 
1970 data and one without. As more people are involved nowadays, filling in gaps 
in the history may actually be possible even if time consuming, but if someone 
does find a new piece of information how can that now be recorded? Is there 
going to be a bar on adding data simply because it's pre-1970? Do we need a 
second list where historic 'patches' can be logged and discussed, leaving this 
list for the much more continuous turnover of ongoing changes in new data?

I probably need to point out that as far as I am concerned, the UK data is 
correct back to the creation of daylight saving back in 1916 so I've always 
ignored the 1970 'limit' anyway and I've not found any problems with other 
countries which is why I was rather surprised at the suggestion there were. My 
own next area of interest is 'railway time', and adding an LMT base creates an 
interesting hook to compare that information. But a single entry for the whole 
of the UK is of little use, and you certainly will not want to add 'UK town 
offsets' :)

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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