[tz] Error with America/Santiago?

Jonathan Berger jonathanberger at gmail.com
Wed Mar 13 20:09:16 UTC 2013

Thank you for the information about Chile!

Do you know if anyone has been in touch with Paul Eggert who might be able
to change the outdated information on http://www.twinsun.com/tz/tz-link.htm?

It seems a number of pages around the web still link to that older page as
the authoritative source about the tz database (instead of
http://www.iana.org/time-zones ) and it will likely confuse future web
searchers like me.

On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 10:54 AM, José Miguel Garrido
<jgarrido at zweicom.com>wrote:

>  Hello,
> Changes for the end of DST in Chile were included in the 2013a version
> of tz db. It was released a week ago.
> Regards,
> JMG.
> El 12-03-2013 20:03, Jonathan Berger escribió:
> I originally mailed tz at elsie.nci.nih.gov, the address listed at the top of
> http://www.twinsun.com/tz/tz-link.htm but the address bounced. Is this
> the correct email address?
> Hello,
>  I believe there might be an error with the definition for
> 'America/Santiago'.
>  Actual Behavior
> As of March 12, 2013 at 10:30pm UTC the tz database
> reports 'America/Santiago' to be CLT-0400.
>  Expected Behavior
> >From looking at Wikipedia, WorldTime.com, and TimeAndDate.com, all three
> agree that 'America/Santiago' should be at CLST-0300 for March 12, 2013 at
> 10:30pm UTC.
>  I'm basing this report on the version of the tz database included in the
> Python library pytz-2012j which was released on 2013-01-03. I have not yet
> checked the source tz database files. I'm hoping someone on this list can
> help.
>  Thanks,
> Jonathan
> --
> José Miguel Garrido
> Jefe Área de Soporte
> Fonos	: (+56 2) 2632 8415 anexo 105
> Fax	: (+56 2) 2632 8415 anexo 108
> Móvil	: (+56 9) 9323 5815
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