[tz] draft of change summary for next tz release

Meno Hochschild mhochschild at gmx.de
Wed Sep 18 09:59:16 UTC 2013

Am 18.09.2013 10:28, schrieb Alan Barrett:
> If we know that old data was wrong, then we should correct it, but if 
> we merely suspect that the old data is unreliable then we should 
> retain our best estimate, not remove it.
> --apb (Alan Barrett)

So I support the removal, since I think the discussed data obviously 
appear to be of very questionable nature. We cannot even consider the 
discussed data as "our best estimate".  Of course, there is no 100% 
guarantee - no black and white. If someone can know it better then it is 
easy to add the lost data again. But we should really not let the users 
in the state of wrong assumptions. Stability of data should not be the 
primary concern, rather correctness. And most users (near 100%) don't 
care about old that is to say archeological timezone data.

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