[tz] Quintana Roo change to EST?

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Mon Dec 8 16:10:46 UTC 2014

Gwillim Law wrote:
> Abbreviating the zone
> name to fourteen characters or fewer is problematic.

A common abbreviation is "FCP" (sort of like "NYC" for "New York City"), which 
suggests the name "America/FCP_Yucatan".  See, for example:

"After lunch, we continue south to Felipe Carillo Puerto.  Just outside FCP, the 
birds get really exciting." http://www.xenospiza.com/Yucatan.html

The Motul De Felipe Carrillo Puerto abbreviates its name as "Motul de FCP".

A Youtube video by the Ballet Folklórico Juvenil de la Casa de la Cultura de 
FCP. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5rKAQ-69K4

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