[tz] [PATCH] Replace some zones with links when that doesn't lose useful info.

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Fri Jul 11 04:59:28 UTC 2014

Tim Parenti wrote:
> Whatever happened to having one zone per ISO-coded region?

That's never been the guideline -- all we've had per country code is at 
least one entry, which may be a Link, not a Zone.  Africa/Juba is a 
recent example; Europe/Vatican an older one.

I hope your other specific concerns should be addressed by the 
partial-reverts that I'll propose soon.  More generally, though, I fear 
that the data in question -- and I'm including the entries in the 
1950-1970 range -- are so bogus that we do not do our users favors by 
propagating them.

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