[tz] Windows 8.1 and tz data?

Matt Johnson mj1856 at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 11 00:46:44 UTC 2014


Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting.DateTimeFormatter.Format (method)

Windows.Globalization.Calendar (constructor)

-----Original Message-----
From: tz-bounces at iana.org [mailto:tz-bounces at iana.org] On Behalf Of Paul Eggert
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 4:51 PM
To: tz at iana.org
Subject: Re: [tz] Windows 8.1 and tz data?

Donald MacQueen wrote:
> I did not see this mentioned on the tz list and an hour's googling 
> brings me no joy.

Whoops, it appears that I misunderstood the Microsoft documentation. 
Does the attached patch (installed into the experimental repository) explain things sufficiently?  I don't know the Microsoft developer universe, so if the language can be further improved please let me know.

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