[tz] US DST Legislation

Ray at the Time Zone Report ray at timezonereport.com
Wed Feb 4 12:45:24 UTC 2015



I'm new to the TZ list, but wanted to mention that I've got several venues
where I provide pending legislation information relating to Daylight Saving
Time and Time Zones in the US.  There's a full set of statuses at
http://TimeZoneReport.com updated daily, plus Twitter, Facebook, and podcast


In case you haven't heard, an Interesting DST news day yesterday:


*         Washington state Representative Elizabeth Scott spoke before the
House State Government Committee yesterday, and brief discussion on her bill
HB 1479 was on the positive side.

*         Mississippi's SB 2180 for Year-Round DST died in the Senate Rules

*         I received a call from the US Department of Transportation Office
of the General Counsel, and he provided information which I will summarize
on the web site later today.  Bottom line: states can opt out of DST, or
they can stay with DST as defined in 15 USC 260a - no other option is
permitted, such as Year-Round DST; and US DOT is unlikely to approve any
state's request to change time zones. 

*         Utah has a NEW bill HB 247 proposing to simply move to Central
Time, in sort of a "why ask for permission" move, filed yesterday at 4:55pm.
The legislative review note mentions the "high probability that a court will
hold that the bill is preempted by federal law and is unconstitutional under
the Supremacy Clause". so they know this bill is doomed.

*         A Missouri Representative has filed House Joint Resolution 38
intending to submit to voters an initiative which "establishes daylight
saving time as new standard time", if passed. Sort of a "we're just going to
move the clocks forward and call that 'standard time'  from now on."


With Mississippi dropping out plus the addition of Missouri, there are still
nine US States with active DST/TZ legislation pending.




Ray Harwood

Time Zone Report, a service of GoodClix, Inc. in the interest of public

 <http://www.TimeZoneReport.com> http://www.TimeZoneReport.com and Twitter:


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