[tz] Montreal timezone

Vincent Tourneyrie vtourneyrie at vinceti.com
Thu Apr 14 02:47:06 UTC 2016

Dear Sir, Madam,
I discovered that you are at the origin of the removal of the 
Montreal/America timezone and it's integration within Toronto.
The problem is that this move to a secondary timezone leads to tons of 
problems and hours of corrections and explanation (mainly due to quick 
and dirty implementations of TZ but I cannot blame half of the developers 
of the planet).
The fact that PHP uses this list expose this timezone list to the public.
I got many angry comments on this change from French speaking people 
and Europeans because Toronto is less recognized and known (not to 
mention loved) than Montreal.
We have 8 millions of Quebec people which will drag their feet to adopt (in 
fact most of them put NY)  and probably half of 220 millions francophone 
who have no idea where Toronto is (like many people know where Geneva 
is but have no idea where Zurich is).
It looks that you do not get that end users use this. 
I understand the willing of normalization but Toronto will never be 
significant as TZ name for all Eastern Time in Canada.   
I think this change has to be reversed,
Vincent Tourneyrie


514 907 9124

Visitez www.vinceti.ca[1]

[1] http://www.vinceti.ca
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