[tz] [PATCH 4/5] tzselect.ksh: time scales assumed

Christos Zoulas christos at zoulas.com
Sat Feb 13 18:33:08 UTC 2016

On Feb 12, 11:53pm, eggert at cs.ucla.edu (Paul Eggert) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: [tz] [PATCH 4/5] tzselect.ksh: time scales assumed

| Christos Zoulas wrote:
| > It would be good to stop using backquotes for command substitution
| > at some point. We are requiring ksh for this script anyway...
| The script does not require ksh; it tests dynamically for ksh extensions and 
| uses them only if present. Also, the script uses backquotes for portability to 
| Solaris /bin/sh. A comment in the script says:
| # For portability to Solaris 9 /bin/sh this script avoids some POSIX
| # features and common extensions, such as $(...) (which works sometimes
| # but not others), $((...)), and $10.
| The same problem occurs with Solaris 10 /bin/sh, which Oracle says they'll 
| support until January 2021. Solaris 10 typically comes with other shells too, 
| but we might as well continue to support /bin/sh if it's easy.
| I think Solaris finally switched to a POSIX-compatible /bin/sh in Solaris 11.
-- End of excerpt from Paul Eggert

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