[tz] Asia/Tomsk

Pavel V. Rochnyack rpv at nikolas.ru
Fri Jun 3 06:02:19 UTC 2016

03.06.2016 4:25, Stepan Golosunov пишет:

>> Also please note what 'Asia/Novokuznetsk' uses not only similar schema of
>> 'to take abbreviations from nearby timezone' but the same timezones.
> And which one of the NOVT and KRAT should be used when both
> Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk will be in the same time zone?
> (This will likely be the case by the end of this year.)

In that case, for 'Asia/Tomsk' you should use the same naming as for 
'Asia/Novokuznetsk'. So, assigning NOVT/KRAT abbreviations to 
'Asia/Tomsk' does not add new problems.

Also, as this timezone was split off from 'Asia/Novosibirsk', it should 
have same abbreviations as it has before the time switch.


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