[tz] [PATCH 1/1] Add UTC to zone tables

J William Piggott elseifthen at gmx.com
Sun Mar 13 01:00:57 UTC 2016

On 03/10/2016 05:22 PM, Guy Harris wrote:
> On Mar 10, 2016, at 2:04 PM, J William Piggott <elseifthen at gmx.com> wrote:
>> Given the existing choices in top level menu, where would you look for
>> UTC? I think the prime meridian... London/Greenwich. That would be my
>> first look.
> I'm about 8000 km from the Prime Meridian, and it's now 2016-03-10
> 22:21 UTC here - just as it is where everybody else on the list is.

I'm about 10840 km from Tokyo, and it's now Sun Mar 13 09:54:15 JST 2016
here - just as it is where everybody else on the list is.

> *I'd* look for UTC as something completely unconnected to any
> continent on Earth; as Paul indicates, that's what the "Universal" in
> "Coordinated Universal Time" means.

That's not what "Universal" in UTC means. It means it is used as a
universal reference, not that it has no geographic origin. If UTC has
no geographic origin the entire time zone system breaks down.

Any latitude could have been chosen as the universal reference, that
wouldn't make its geographic origin disappear.

What is your solution? How should the UTC _file_ be cataloged in the
zone tables? What coordinates should the entry have? What CC should be
used? The answers are obvious once you recognize that UTC does have a
geographic origin.

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