[tz] Beginner's help request

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Mon Oct 16 07:12:22 UTC 2017

Paul.Koning at dell.com wrote:
>> While the tzdist protocol is http and does not (yet) handle zoneinfo format it does seem a long way towards what you're talking about.
>> https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7808
>> The main impediment (I believe) to handling zoneinfo data is coming up with a standard format in an rfc
> I don't understand that.  Standardizing encoding of interchange data is one of the two main topics for any RFC.

I suspect that he was referring to the hassle of writing the RFC and getting it 
reviewed and so forth. Doing that has been (quite low) on my list of things to 
do for some time now.

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