[tz] start of 1946 winter time in "Kdy začíná a končí letní čas"

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Sat Apr 14 23:49:19 UTC 2018

I recently proposed some tz database changes for Prague; see 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tz_database> and 
<https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/tz/2018-April/026415.html>. I used your web page 
<https://kalendar.beda.cz/kdy-zacina-a-konci-letni-cas> as the main source for 
these fixes; thank you!

I noticed what appears to be a typographical error in your web page. It says:

zimní čas	1. prosinec (2:00)	23. únor (2:00)

However, the primary source <http://ftp.aspi.cz/opispdf/1946/092-1946.pdf> says:

   "§1. Počátek zimního času v roce 1946 se určuje na den 1. prosince 1946 o 
třetí hodiné ranní středoevropského času a provede se posunutím hodinových 
ručiček na druhou hodinu."

Google Translate suggests this means the transition was December 1 at 03:00, not 
December 1 at 02:00. That is, the clock was 03:00 before the transition, and 
02:00 afterwards.

The attached patch contains a proposed fix to kalendar.beda.cz. I am CC:ing this 
to the time zone mailing list to give them a heads-up as to why I made this 
change in the tz database.
-------------- next part --------------
--- kdy-zacina-a-konci-letni-cas	2018-04-14 16:16:49.494217925 -0700
+++ kdy-zacina-a-konci-letni-cas-fix	2018-04-14 16:42:18.756799511 -0700
@@ -185 +185 @@
-<tr><td class='center'>1946-7<br>zimní čas</td><td class="center">1. prosinec (2:00)</td><td class="center">23. únor (2:00)</td></tr>
+<tr><td class='center'>1946-7<br>zimní čas</td><td class="center">1. prosinec (3:00)</td><td class="center">23. únor (2:00)</td></tr>

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