[tz] Converting cities to tz identifiers (tangent)

J Andrew Lipscomb silverpie2 at mac.com
Tue Feb 20 22:43:53 UTC 2018

For the USA, does city mean the metro area or the city proper? The next five metros in Eastern time after NYC are Washington, Philadelphia, Miami, Boston; for cities proper, it's Philadelphia, Jacksonville, (Indianapolis), Columbus, Charlotte.

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> Le 20 févr. 2018 à 17:25, Paul Eggert <eggert at cs.ucla.edu> a écrit :
> If New York ever switches to Atlantic time (unlikely but conceivable given the current state of US politics), we'll link some other location to US/Eastern in the 'backward' file. Although it's not now clear what that other location would be (it'd depend on what part of the US switches), one candidate would be America/Indiana/Indianapolis. This is because if Jacksonville, Philadelphia and New York all switch to Atlantic time, then Indianapolis could well be the largest remaining city observing US Eastern time. This should amuse those of us who recall the history of UT offsets in Indiana.

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