[tz] Time zone confusion in Morocco

Dave DeLong timezones at davedelong.com
Thu Nov 1 14:41:05 UTC 2018

iOS devices do OTA updates of the tzdb, but they require a device restart to take effect.


> On Nov 1, 2018, at 8:27 AM, Hicham Boushaba <hicham.boushaba at gmail.com> wrote:
> We Moroccans didn't know about the change also before Friday, our government didn't take the time to neither study nor discuss the matter with us.
> And the real issue, is that Android devices (maybe iOS devices, I'm not sure) update the tzdb only via a system upgrade/patch, and we know that Android OEMs rarely update their devices, so Moroccans will stay impacted for a long time, and non-tech people don't have the necessary skills to change the timezone manually.

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