[tz] Crimean timezones

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Thu Jun 20 23:38:39 UTC 2019

Thanks for your letter. This topic was raised in December by Serhii 
Demediuk, head of the Cyberpolice Department of the National Police of 
Ukraine. Please see his email archived here:


After some back-and-forth, archived here:


I proposed a patch that I hoped would address his concerns, here:


However, after that we received no reply from Maj. Gen. Demediuk. No 
doubt this relatively-minor matter was preempted by his more-important 
duties. Perhaps he has more free time now; I’ll cc him in this email. 
Another possibility is that you could contact him via telephone or other 
means <https://cyberpolice.gov.ua/contacts/>, which might be more 
efficient than trying to get his attention via English-language email.

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