[tz] Crimean timezones

Sanjeev Gupta ghane0 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 21 12:47:20 UTC 2019


Could you please give an example of the software or OS that is displaying
the classification you object to, and you and I could take it up with them?

Unless you an OS or programming language framework developer, you should
not be seeing the TZ identifiers.

Sanjeev Gupta
+65 98551208     http://www.linkedin.com/in/ghane

On Fri, Jun 21, 2019 at 5:00 PM Sergij Marchenko <makars at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Paul,
> By making such a proposal to Mr. Demediuk you are in fact taking sides
> despite your alleged neutrality. Russia's claims to Crimea are not
> supported by anyone but Russia itself, perhaps barring a negligible amount
> of countries that have their own governments largely criticized as
> undemocratic. The vast majority of countries have openly condemned the
> annexation and Russian aggression and continue to recognize Crimea as a
> Ukrainian territory it is.
> A solution, which is more consistent with your view, exists. The patch
> could instead make the interface display the timezones in question as
> Russian to Russian users alone, while in the rest of the world they would
> be listed as Ukrainian. This practice, although controversial in the face
> of the international law, is a lesser violation of it than the current
> state of matter.
> By keeping things the way they are now you are sending the world a
> message. The message is that you are endorsing the aggressor, even though
> it may not appear to you as such.
> With a leaden heart we would accept the territory being assigned to
> different countries depending on a user's geolocation, provided that RU
> only shows up for Russian users and UA is the default configuration
> elsewhere, globally.
> Otherwise we would kindly ask you to drop the neutrality claims and make
> your open endorsement of Russian military aggression against Ukraine
> transparent.
> Kind regards.
> --
> Best regards,
> Sergij Marchenko
> mailto:makars at gmail.com
> http://makar.homelinux.net
> Skype: makarsoft
> Viber/WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal:
> +380661877234
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