[tz] Daylight saving and heart attacks

Ephraim Silverberg ephraim at cs.huji.ac.il
Wed Jun 26 04:52:22 UTC 2019

On Mon, 24 Jun 2019, Alan Mintz wrote:

> Another example of other, perhaps overshadowing influences, is Muslim prayer
> times. For example, at 47.5 degrees north latitude, in Seattle, WA, US:
> [https://www.salahtimes.com/usa/seattle]
>  *  On the June solstice (2019-06-21), the first prayer was at 03:11 PDT
>     (UTC-7; 2 hours before sunrise) and the last prayer was at 23:11 (2
>     hours after sunset), 20 hours later.
>  *  On the prior December solstice (2018-12-21), the first prayer was at
>     06:20 PST (UTC-8; 1.5 hours before sunrise) and the last prayer was at
>     17:55 (1.5 hours after sunset), just 11.5 hours later.

Jewish prayers are similarly affected where the morning prayer times start at about one hour before sunrise and the evening prayer times, about a half hour after sunset.  Hence, in the winter months, completing the morning prayer and getting to work on time can sometimes be a challenge.  So too, in the summer months, the end of the Sabbath can be somewhat late.
Ephraim Silverberg, CSE System Group,
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.
Phone/Fax number:     +972-2-5494521

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