[tz] Why is `Etc/UCT` not an alias of `Etc/UTC`?

Matt Johnson mj1856 at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 5 19:52:03 UTC 2019

Is there a source or a story about where "UCT" came from?  Or are we just further propagating a misspelling?

From: tz <tz-bounces at iana.org> on behalf of Paul Eggert <eggert at cs.ucla.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2019 11:45 AM
To: Isiah Meadows
Cc: Time Zone Mailing List
Subject: Re: [tz] Why is `Etc/UCT` not an alias of `Etc/UTC`?

On 3/4/19 4:29 PM, Isiah Meadows wrote:
> They seem to refer to the same thing, so it doesn't make much sense to
> me why they're considered different.

They generate different abbreviations:

$ TZ=Etc/UTC date; TZ=Etc/UCT date
Tue Mar  5 19:45:10 UTC 2019
Tue Mar  5 19:45:10 UCT 2019

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