[tz] European Parliament votes to drop DST by 2021, leaving it to member states

Artemis Tosini tzdata at artemis.re
Tue Mar 26 18:54:35 UTC 2019

I think anything involving the UK is unclear right now. The UK has enough parliamentary process that we'll probably have some notice though. We should know if it stays in the EU or leaves within a month (hopefully).

Am Di, 26. Mär 2019, um 18:43, schrieb Clive D.W. Feather:
> Tim Parenti said:
> > It looks like those choosing to stay on summer time will "spring forward"
> > for the last time on 28 March 2021; those choosing to stay on winter time
> > will "fall back" for the last time on 31 October 2021.
> What is completely unclear is how this will affect the UK.
> -- 
> Clive D.W. Feather          | If you lie to the compiler,
> Email: clive at davros.org     | it will get its revenge.
> Web: http://www.davros.org  |   - Henry Spencer
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