[tz] TIme in Belize

P Chan legco at outlook.com
Tue Nov 3 12:04:35 UTC 2020

Below are some laws related to the time in British Honduras/Belize:

Definition of Time Ordinance, 1927 (No.4 of 1927) [1927-04-01] 
Ordinances of British Honduras Passed in the Year 1927, p 19-20

Definition of Time (Amendment) Ordinance, 1942 (No. 5 of 1942) [1942-06-27]
Ordinances of British Honduras Passed in the Year 1942, p 31-32

Definition of Time Ordinance, 1945 (No. 19 of 1945) [1945-12-15]
Ordinances of British Honduras Passed in the Year 1945, p 49-50

Definition of Time Ordinance, 1947 (No. 1 of 1947) [1947-03-11]
Ordinances of British Honduras Passed in the Year 1947, p 1-2

Time (Definition of) Ordinance  (Chapter 180)
The Laws of British Honduras in Force on the 15th Day of September, 1958 , Volume IV, p 2580

Time (Definition of) (Amendment) Ordinance, 1968 (No. 13 of 1968) [1968-08-03]

Definition of Time Act (Chapter 339) 
Law of Belize, Revised Edition 2000

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