[tz] Pacific/Norfolk Island DST

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Fri Oct 9 18:20:28 UTC 2020

On 10/8/20 4:12 PM, Victor Cawit wrote:
> Each year, from the first Sunday in October, clocks on Norfolk Island will need to be moved forward one hour and then back one hour on the first Sunday in April. In 2019, DST will begin at 2am on Sunday 6 October and end at 2am on Sunday 5 April 2020.....
> http://www.norfolkonlinenews.com/norfolk-island-free-news/introduction-to-daylight-saving-time-in-2019

tzdb release 2019c and later already does this, if by "2am" one means 02:00 
*standard* time (not 02:00 *local* time). For example, tzdb says clocks sprang 
forward from 02:00 to 03:00 on October 4 of this year, and will fall back from 
03:00 to 02:00 on April 4 of next year. This follows the relevant legislation:


If this information is incorrect, please let us know, and a citation to the 
relevant legislation would be helpful.

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