[tz] IANA timezone database - request to add Omaha, Nebraska

Clive D.W. Feather clive at davros.org
Thu Jul 21 16:02:33 UTC 2022

Bob Wilmes via tz said:
>    Can you please tell me how I request that Omaha, Nebraska, USA
>    which is in the Americas Central time zone and uses daylight
>    savings time, can be added to the "Olson" timezone database
>    used by Ubuntu?

Dear Bob,

Has Omaha had the same time as Chicago since 1970? If so, then the zone
America/Chicago is the one that serves Omaha. However, if there has been a
difference, you should provide evidence of it and post it to this mailing
list so that action can be taken.

Currently it appears that all of the US part of the Central zone has been
the same since 1970 apart from a few parts of Indiana and North Dakota plus
the Wisconsin border area of Michigan.

Hope that helps.


Clive D.W. Feather          | If you lie to the compiler,
Email: clive at davros.org     | it will get its revenge.
Web: http://www.davros.org  |   - Henry Spencer
Mobile: +44 7973 377646

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