[tz] Change some timezone names

Gilmore Davidson gilmoreorless at gmail.com
Fri May 27 00:27:46 UTC 2022

> On 27 May 2022, at 09:17, Paul Eggert via tz <tz at iana.org> wrote:
> Thanks for the UK survey. I'll try to spring some time to look into US and other English-language sources. If they've switched that much too then we should follow.

I had a quick look at Australian news sources from the start of 2022.

The ABC is using Zaporizhzhia (except for a one-off use of Zaporozhye, possibly a mistake) and Uzhhorod. There are some results for Uzhgorod in their news search tool, but when opening the linked articles they all use Uzhhorod (so possibly corrected after first publication).
Nine media (e.g. Sydney Morning Herald, The Age) are using Zaporizhzhia and Uzhhorod.
News Limited (e.g. news.com.au) is using Uzhhorod. There are 4 articles using Zaporozhye, but the large majority use Zaporizhzhia.
The Guardian (mixture of UK and Australian news) has many results for both Zaporizhzhia and Zaporozhye, so doesn’t look settled on that one. It seems to have settled on Uzhhorod though, with only 2 results for Uzhgorod.

As with Adam’s look into UK results, most uses of the older Zaporozhye and Uzhgorod on the Australian sites date from around 2014.
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