[tz] Proposal to revert 2023b’s Lebanon data changes

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Mon Mar 27 18:11:07 UTC 2023

We need a new release soon to address the time zone chaos in Lebanon. 
One option is to revert 2023b's data and go back to 2023a as I suggested 
earlier. Another is to record the chaos in more detail in the data. The 
attached proposed patch (which I installed into the developmental 
repository on GitHub) takes the former approach, as I expect the latter 
would cause more problems than it would cure. This follows a similar 
(although not identical) precedent in Rio de Janeiro in 1993.

In short, the patch would make 2023c identical to 2023a except for 
comments, which do not count as part of the data.

It is a confusing and controversial situation. Comments welcome. In the 
meantime I again suggest to downstream distributors to stick with 2023a 
and avoid 2023b.
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