[tz] Proposal to revert 2023b's Lebanon data changes

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Tue Mar 28 18:57:13 UTC 2023

On 2023-03-28 11:48, Debbie Goldsmith wrote:
> By the time 2023c is distributed to people it will already be past the new transition time of midnight Wednesday. The behavior now is only of historical interest.

That's correct if you're currently using 2023a which is what I have 
recommended. However, if you're currently using 2023b you will need to 
update to 2023c (or downgrade to 2023a) as soon as possible, as 2023b 
says that Lebanon observes standard time until April 20/21. If you use 
2023b, both sides of the Lebanese dispute will disagree with you from 
March 30 through April 20.

We'd all have been better off if we had never released TZDB 2023b. 
Hindsight is wonderful, no?

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