[tz] Kazakhstan to shift from UTC+6 to UTC+5

Andrey.Kazakevich at erg.kz Andrey.Kazakevich at erg.kz
Mon Feb 5 03:29:24 UTC 2024

Hi, thank you very much for such detailed info!

Understood all of that.

С/у Andrey Kazakevich

From: Tim Parenti <tim at timtimeonline.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 3, 2024 1:17 AM
To: Andrey Kazakevich <Andrey.Kazakevich at erg.kz>
Cc: tz at iana.org; Rustam Sirotkin <Rustam.Sirotkin at erg.kz>
Subject: Re: [tz] Kazakhstan to shift from UTC+6 to UTC+5

ВНИМАНИЕ: Данное письмо направлено извне ERG. Не открывайте ссылки и вложения, если вы не знаете отправителя и не уверены в безопасности содержимого.

On Fri, 2 Feb 2024 at 03:19, Andrey.Kazakevich at erg.kz<mailto:Andrey.Kazakevich at erg.kz> <Andrey.Kazakevich at erg.kz<mailto:Andrey.Kazakevich at erg.kz>> wrote:
Does it mean that we don’t need to do TZ changes on our local corporate servers if they are using Asia/Almaty TZ at this time?

I'm not sure I'm understanding the question.  At a minimum, your servers will need to take whatever time zone definition updates are available to them, and you'll want to ensure that those using tzdb have got at least version 2024a.

It may take a while longer until those updates are ready for any given system, though.  A tz release like yesterday's is just an initial step in a distribution process that involves various vendors of operating systems, programming libraries, and telecommunications infrastructure, all repackaging our release for use within their own respective ecosystems.  Depending on what your servers are doing, you may need updates from any or all of these sources which are all downstream of us.  This is why we typically recommend several months' notice in advance of time zone changes whenever possible.

And as a reminder, Microsoft uses a completely separate process from us for disseminating time zone updates to Windows devices.  So if your servers are Windows servers, we can't really help other than to point again to "(UTC+05:00) Ashgabat, Tashkent" as a potential workaround.

Tim Parenti
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