[tz] Administrivia: Mailing List Archives -- test

Alois Treindl alois at astro.ch
Sun Feb 25 17:30:41 UTC 2024

Is the mailing list working?

On 19.02.24 19:52, Kim Davies via tz wrote:
> Hi all,
> We’ve done a little bit of work to fix some old corrupted email 
> messages in the mailing list archive at 
> http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/tz/. They’ve been corrupted ever since 
> they were originally imported over a decade ago, but were noticed by 
> an astute reader recently. Also, some of the historical links were 
> broken for roughly the last three weeks for an unrelated reason, but 
> these should work as expected now.
> If you notice anything awry please let me know.
> kim
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