[tz] [PROPOSED] "m" now abbreviates both "maximum" and "minimum"

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Thu Jan 11 20:38:46 UTC 2024

On 2024-01-11 02:33, Stephen Colebourne via tz wrote:
> Maybe I'm missing some context, but how can "m" or "mi" possibly be
> better than "max" in a human-readable source code file?

This is not the source files we maintain by hand; it's tzdata.zi, a text 
file intended to be short rather than hand-edited. In tzdata.zi, 
abbreviating "maximum" to "m" is OK for the same reason tzdata.zi 
already abbreviates "only" to "o" and "September" to "S".

Come to think of it, tzdata.zi can use "m" in vanguard form, and while 
looking into that I noticed some other opportunities for improving 
compressibility in minor ways. I installed the attached proposed patches 
to do that.
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