[tz] Why is "AEST" the abbreviation for Australia/Sydney in 1900?

Jonathan Wakely jwakely at redhat.com
Thu May 2 08:10:39 UTC 2024

On Thu, 2 May 2024 at 08:18, Florian Weimer wrote:
> * Jonathan Wakely via tz:
> > And that matches what glibc does: it finds the earliest transition
> > with SAVE of zero, and uses that LETTER for the period before the
> > first transition.
> Do you mean zic instead of glibc?  I don't think we have a .zi parser in
> glibc proper.  We mostly bundle zic for historic reasons.

I mean glibc code such as:
The comment says it's finding the offsets, but it seems to be finding
the abbreviations for the first two transitions, storing them in the
__tzname array.

There's similar logic here:

When I ran `TZ=Australia/Sydney date -d 1900-01-01` under gdb that
seemed to be the code that decided on AEST, but maybe I got confused.

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