[tz] manual pages in tzdb

John Hawkinson jhawk at alum.mit.edu
Thu May 9 22:18:27 UTC 2024

Steffen Nurpmeso via tz <tz at iana.org> wrote on Thu,  9 May 2024
at 17:30:08 EDT in <20240509213008.4OBYpqEG at steffen%sdaoden.eu>:

> Well it seems to me that with some scripts this can be achieved
> easily, ie
>   git show COMMIT:README

I think we're waiting for Alejandro's message to emerge from list moderation, and also this isn't really the right list to talk about how best to use tools in the git ecosystem to solve this sort of problem, however:

I think the better approach is to use git filter-repo (the recommended successor to git filter-branch) to filter the tz repo to limit it to commits that touch the manpages, and then cherry-pick from that. Ideally you'd want to modify the commit messages to include the original hash as an informational element (as text), which probably means it is not as simple as "git filter-repo --path-glob '*.[1-9]'" but that is definitely an exercise outside the scope of this list.

jhawk at alum.mit.edu
John Hawkinson

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