[UA-discuss] Request for review: Report on Evaluation of Websites for Acceptance of E-mail Addresses, 2019

Charles 'chaals' (McCathie) Nevile chaals at yandex.ru
Sat Jul 13 11:52:22 UTC 2019

On Fri, 12 Jul 2019 21:13:11 +0200, Marc Blanchet
<marc.blanchet at viagenie.ca> wrote:

> - yes, html5.3 needs to be defined as the new standard and that would  
> resolve the issue of the html form for email addresses.

Sadly (IMHO) that won't happen. W3C threw HTML 5.3 under the bus last year  
as part of its effort to hand over HTML to 4 browsers.

> On this, I would suggest to include the URL of the deployment page(while  
> seems not updated since sep2018) for html5.3 in the report,
> so people can see the state of the deployment of this issue:  
> https://w3c.github.io/test-results/html53/implementation-report.html

As the person who did the testing for EAI on that issue, I don't think  
that is a good idea. Relations between some parts of "the 4" browsers, and  
W3C's HTML spec reached a nadir at the point where browser engineers  
deliberately re-engineered code to break compatibility. I would be  
unsurprised if Firefox' implementation (such as it was) was changed in  
this way.

Besides which, as everyone has noted, the implementation wasn't sufficient  
to work end to end. The implementation document was only ever work in  
progress, the specification was a Working Draft and specifically never  
reached the point where we did the careful checking to decide what was in  
the Recommendation and what to defer until a later version.



Using Opera's mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/

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