[UA-discuss] IDN treatment in Linkedin

Jim DeLaHunt list+uasg at jdlh.com
Fri Nov 20 23:36:11 UTC 2020

On 2020-11-16 10:36, Tan Tanaka, Dennis via UA-discuss wrote:

> This is very recent…. Anyone else can replicate the user experience 
> (you need to read the article)?
> https://helmstedt.dk/2020/11/how-i-failed-to-make-linkedin-fix-their-broken-url-parser-for-international-domain-names/ 
> <https://helmstedt.dk/2020/11/how-i-failed-to-make-linkedin-fix-their-broken-url-parser-for-international-domain-names/> 

I was able to reproduce the first bug — LinkedIn cannot generate a 
preview for an IDN with U-Labels, like https://ønskeskyen.dk , but can 
generate a preview for the same URL as A-labels, like 
https://xn--nskeskyen-k8a.dk/ .

I was not able to reproduce the second bug — LinkedIn can generate 
shortlinks for URLs with path parts which are posted in LinkedIn 
announcements, but trying to follow the shortlink produces an error. 
When I clicked on the shortlink, my browser delivered me to the original 
URL with no apparent problem.

I do think this story is a reality check for how difficult it is for 
individual customers to get the attention of a business, especially a 
big business, about technical and international matters like Universal 
Acceptance. I think we must encourage customers to ask their vendors to 
fix UA problems. We must, however, be realistic that this will be like 
rain on a granite boulder. There will be no apparent effect for the 
first many raindrops. If we wield the chisel of ICANN's name 
effectively, we can help the raindrops succeed much faster.

Best regards,
      —Jim DeLaHunt, software engineer, Vancouver, Canada

.   --Jim DeLaHunt, jdlh at jdlh.com     http://blog.jdlh.com/ (http://jdlh.com/)
       multilingual websites consultant

       355-1027 Davie St, Vancouver BC V6E 4L2, Canada
          Canada mobile +1-604-376-8953

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