[UA-EAI] [Ext] Re : EAI Phases

John Levine john.levine at standcore.com
Tue Aug 7 14:45:12 UTC 2018

In article <4961c06999d848f1ba4646f05f7c3673 at PMBX112-W1-CA-1.PEXCH112.ICANN.ORG> you write:
>“Is there a situation we need to consider where MUA supports IMAP but not POP for EAI, or we are going
>to test all MUA for both the protocols.  “
>I’m keen to hear views about whether we test both IMAP & POP or whether we only need to test one,  
>Part of the answer is the additional effort required.

I would test both.  Once you've tested IMAP, the extra effort for POP is pretty small.


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